T-shirt Structure; Green shirt with Black writing, Sale goes to Community Studios
_____ Green/Black/Community Studios _____Black/White/Power Positive
_____ White/Black/Documentaries _____Gold/Black/Sports Scholarship
_____ Pink/Black/Teen Parent Prevention _____Sky Blue/Black/Artist Scholarship
_____ Navy Blue/White/In Memory of Liza Mae _____Lime Green/Black/Family Preservation Services Fund
_____ Orange/Black/Youth Fun Fund _____Yellow/Black/Child Care Fund
_____ Black/Red/In Memory of Star Rena _____Red/Black/Legal Assistance Fund
_____ Brown/Black/Operation Rebuild ______Brown/White/Operation Take Care Home
_____ Beige/Black/Operation Make A Change
Shirt Size/Quantity
XS__/___S__/____M__/___ L__/___ XL___/____ *XXL__/____*XXXL___/___
* Means $3.00 More Per Shirt
Regular Shirts Kids $15 Adults $25. Event Shirts Kids $20 Adults $30.
Sweatshirts Kids $25 Adults $35. Sweatshirts Kids $35 Adults$45
This is a pre-order form for Power Positive Responsibilities T-Shirt. Please make sure the number you choose
matches the color shirt you want or the cause you would like to support, whichever is most important to you (Color or
cause). When You’re sure place an X on the number. Thank You in advance for your support. We great appreciate it.
Some Colors Are Not Available In XXL Or XXXL.
Name __________________ Address _____________________
City ___________________________ State ______Zip_________
Contact Number ( )___________Email Address ____________
Quantity of Shirts:____ Total different colors:___________
Total different sizes:____ Total Received:$_______________
Regular: ________ Christmas: ________ Ride Show: ________
The type of shirt you order will determine when you receive your shirt